Monday, 7 June 2021

The Old Man And The Sea Test Questions And Answers

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  • [GET] The Old Man And The Sea Test Questions And Answers

    How universalare the ideas in The Old Man and the Sea? Does the story end the way you expected? How realistic is the story? Where does The Old Man and the Sea take place? Is the setting important to the ideas in this book? What's Your Opinion? Would...
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    Make a list of other famous American novelists. Complete the web by filling the boxes with the names of famous American novelists. Young and devoted apprentice English Workshop Q 1. The place where Hemingway had the experience of fishing. English...
  • The Old Man And The Sea

    Quiz masters only, we've included the answers at the bottom. So without further ado, grab a pint and your team because it's time to quiz. Don't forget to let us know how you get on in the comments below - the winner gets eternal bragging rights. Oh and if your little ones want to get involved with the quizzing fun - check out our general knowledge quiz for kids of all ages here. Put down the wine glass. Step away from the school books. We need your brains. Right here. Right now. We are asking you to take part in our Great Big Parenting survey to show the world, politicians, fellow parents, just what life is like in Lockdown.
  • Old Man And The Sea

    Help us paint a true picture of how this crisis is affecting you and your loved ones. And for the record, we think you're doing a grand job. Food and drink quiz questions 1. What is the name of the Greek dip consisting of yoghurt and cucumber? In Indian cooking, what is a Tandoori? What is a mocha? In the UK we know it as sweetcorn, but what cereal grain is it a variety of? Enchiladas originated in which country? In French cooking, what does 'en Croute' mean? What are the two main ingredients in a bellini cocktail? The beer brand 'Old Speckled Hen' was aquired by which brewery in ? Which fast food company used the advertising slogan "I'm Lovin' it"? What is unusual about the tomato based soup known as Gazpacho? Read More.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Quiz

    Each question is worth 2 points each for a total of 30 points. How deep is a fathom? When did Santiago start talking to himself? After he hooked the big fish B. After his wife died C. After he lost his singing voice D. Manolin offers to go and get bait for the old man what bait does he get A. Sardines B. Squid C. Herring D. The bow of a boat is which section of the boat the A. Right B. Left C. Front D. How many days has it been since Santiago caught a fish A. The sharks are attracted to the Marlin because A. The fish is tied to the boat B. Santiago has hurt himself C. Blood from the harpooned Marlin D. During his struggle with the fish Santiago hurts all but which part of his body A. His back B. His hand C. His Head D. From start to finish, Santiago was out on the ocean for how many days A. What does Santiago eat to keep up his strength? Flying fish B. Tuna C. Dolphin D. Shrimp E. Why did Manolin leave the old man to fish another boat? Great White B.
  • Fill In The Blanks

    Mako C. Tiger D. Santiago wishes that he brought many things with him on his fishing adventure which of these items did Santiago not wish he had with him. The most pathetic and tragic moment in the novel occurs when Santiago stops for a moment, looks back, and sees A. His shack on the hill B. His fishing boat C. Manolin, alone on the beach D. Which of the following does Santiago dream about? Eating the fish B. Lions on the beach C. Soldiers fighting D. Getting a bigger boat Part B — True or False Decide if the following questions or statements are true or false; mark your answer by writing a T for True and an F for False. Be sure to identify your answer clearly, answers that are indecipherable will be marked as incorrect.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Novel! Trivia Quiz

    Each question is worth 1 point for a total of 15 points. Answers should address all parts of the question and be formulated in a way that shows your individual knowledge about the story. Each question is worth 10 points each for a total of 20 points. In the story Santiago talks to the fish he has caught and to himself; from his point of view we understand how he feels about the great fish.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Essay Questions

    In your own words explain how Santiago feels about the fish that he is doing battle with. Refer back to the story using specific examples to support your claims. Be sure to take a stand and prove how he feels.
  • Author - Ernest Hemingway

    Hemingway focuses on the connections between Santiago and his natural environment: the fish, birds, and stars are all his brothers or friends; he has the heart of a turtle, eats turtle eggs for strength; anddrinks shark liver oil for health. This connection with the sea and its creatures helps Santiago in the midst of his great tragedy. For Santiago, success and failure are two equal facets of the same existence. They are transitory forms which capriciously arrive and depart without affecting the underlying unity between himself and nature.
  • Ernest Hemingway : The Old Man And The Sea Quiz

    As long as he focuses on this unity and sees himself as part of nature rather than as an external antagonist competing with it, he cannot be defeated by whatever misfortunes befall him. Why or why not? Hemingway's treatment of pride in The Old Man and the Sea is ambivalent. A heroic man like Santiago should have pride in his actions, and as Santiago shows us, "humility was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride" At the same time, though, it is apparently Santiago's pride which presses him to travel dangerously far out into the sea, "beyond all people in the world," to catch the marlin While he loved the marlin and called him brother, Santiago admits to killing it for pride, his blood stirred by battle with such a noble and worthy antagonist.
  • The Merchant Of Venice Act 1 Scene 1 ICSE Questions And Answers

    Some have interpreted the loss of the marlin as the price Santiago had to pay for his pride in traveling out so far in search of such a catch. Contrarily, one could argue that this pride was beneficial as it allowed Santiago an edifying challenge worthy of his heroism. In the end, Hemingway suggests that pride in a job well done, even if pride drew one unnecessarily into the situation, is a positive trait. Hemingway's ideal of manhood is nearly inseparable from the ideal of heroism. To be a man is to behave with honor and dignity: to not succumb to suffering, to accept one's duty without complaint and, most importantly, to display a maximum of self-control. The representation of femininity, the sea, is characterized expressly by its caprice and lack of self-control; "if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them" The representation of masculinity, the marlin, is described as 'great,' 'beautiful,' 'calm,' and 'noble,' and Santiago steels him against his pain by telling himself, "suffer like a man.
  • Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway Quiz: Questions And Answers

    Or a fish," referring to the marlin In Hemingway's ethical universe, Santiago shows us not only how to live life heroically but in a way befitting a man. Hemingway draws a distinction between two different types of success: outer, material success and inner, spiritual success. While Santiago clearly lacks the former, the import of this lack is eclipsed by his possession of the later. One way to describe Santiago's story is as a triumph of indefatigable spirit over exhaustible material resources. As noted above, the characteristics of such a spirit are those of heroism and manhood. That Santiago can end the novella undefeated after steadily losing his hard-earned, most valuable possession is a testament to the privileging of inner success over outer success. Being heroic and manly are not merely qualities of character which one possesses or does not. One must constantly demonstrate one's heroism and manliness through actions conducted with dignity.
  • BA English Important Topics Of The Old Man And The Sea

    Interestingly, worthiness cannot be conferred upon oneself. Santiago is obsessed with proving his worthiness to those around him. He had to prove himself to the boy: "the thousand times he had proved it mean nothing. Now he was proving it again. Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it" And he had to prove himself to the marlin: "I'll kill him Although it is unjust. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures" A heroic and manly life is not, then, one of inner peace and self-sufficiency; it requires constant demonstration of one's worthiness through noble action. Manolin has an almost religious devotion to Santiago, underscored when Manolin begs Santiago's pardon for his not fishing with the old man anymore. Manolin says, "It was Papa made me leave.
  • The Old Man And The Sea

    I am a boy and I must obey him," to which Santiago replies, "I know It is quite normal. He hasn't much faith" Manolin's father forced his son to switch to a more successful boat after 40 days had passed without a catch for Santiago; this is the amount of time Jesus wandered in the desert, tempted by Satan. Just as Christ resisted the temptation of the devil, Santiago resists the temptation of giving in to his exhaustion as he battles the marlin. You have to last. Don't even speak of it. Throughout this final section, Santiago repeatedly apologizes to the marlin in a way that provides another way to read Santiago's sin. He says, "Half fish Fish that you were. I am sorry that I went out so far. I ruined us both" Santiago's transgression is no longer his killing of the fish, but going out too far in the ocean, "beyond all people in the world" While the former sin helped account for the inescapable misery of the human condition, the latter focuses instead on avoidable misery brought about by intentional action.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Questions Part 4 Flashcards Preview

    Santiago chose to go out so far; he did not need to do so, but in doing so he must surrender his prize, the marlin, to the jealous sea. This understanding of Santiago's sin is strange because it seems to separate man from nature in a way which contradicts the rest of the novella. Going out too far is an affront against nature similar to the hubristic folly of Greek tragedy; he has courted disaster through his own pride. Nowhere previously in the novel was this apparent, though.
  • The Old Man And The Sea

    The sea seemed to welcome him, providing him company and food for his expedition. There was no resistance from nature to his activities, except perhaps the sharks, but these were never made to be nature's avengers. This reading of Santiago's sin thus seems very problematic. The relationship between Santiago and Manolin can be summed up in one sentence: "The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him" Manolin is Santiago's apprentice, but their relationship is not restricted to business alone. Manolin idolizes Santiago but the object of this idolization is not only the once great though presently failed fisherman; it is an idolization of ideals. This helps explain Manolin's unique, almost religious, devotion to the old man, underscored when Manolin begs Santiago's pardon for his not fishing with the old man anymore.
  • Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.5 The Old Man And The Sea Book Review

    When Manolin asks to buy the old man a beer, Santiago replies, "Why not? Between fisherman" And when Manolin asks to help Santiago with his fishing, Santiago replies, "You are already a man" By demonstrating that Santiago has little more to teach the boy, this equality foreshadows the impending separation of the two friends, and also indicates that this will not be a story about a young boy learning from an old man, but a story of an old man learning the unique lessons of the autumn of life. Hemingway peppers the novella with numerous references to sight. We are told, for instance, that Santiago has uncannily good eyesight for a man of his age and experience, while Manolin's new employer is nearly blind. When Manolin notices this, Santiago replies simply, "I am a strange old man" Given the analogy between Santiago's eyes and the sea, one suspects that his strangeness in this regard has something to do with his relationship to the sea.
  • Ernest Hemingway Trivia And Quizzes

    This connection, though, is somewhat problematic as it might suggest that Santiago would have success as a fisherman. Santiago's statement that his eyes adjust to the sun during different parts of the day furnishes another example of the importance of sight and visual imagery in the novella. Santiago says, "All my life the early sun has hurt my eyes, he thought. Yet they are still good. In the evening I can look straight into it without getting the blackness. It has more force in the evening too. But in the morning it is just painful" Given the likening of natural time cycles to human age, e. September as the autumn of life, it is plausible to read this passage as a statement of the edifying power of age.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Essay - Words | Bartleby

    While it is difficult to find one's way in the morning of youth, this task becomes easier when done by those who have lived through the day into the evening of life. As he struggles against the marlin despite the pain he suffers, Santiago recalls the figure of Joe DiMaggio, identified at the beginning of the novella as a heroic paragon. It is strange, though, that immediately after valorizing DiMaggio, Santiago immediately diminishes the baseball player's greatness by thinking that the pain of a bone spur could not be as bad as the pain of the spur of a fighting cock. He even concludes that "man is not much beside the great birds and beasts.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Multiple Choice Test Questions

    Still I would rather be that beast down there in the darkness of the sea" Nature, and the marlin especially, is privileged above even the greatest exemplars of human endurance.
  • The Old Man And The Sea - Exam

    In what way is Santiago technically superior to other fishermen? For lack of a better phrase, Santiago is "old school". In this sense we can call him "better". He does not have the new motorboats and buoys or radios that the younger fishermen have. Santiago also fishes out of passion for the sea. He sees the The title, The Old Man and the Sea, is simple, and yet it encapsulates the essence of the book. Santiago is defined by his age.
  • Free Study Guide Answers, Book And Literature Notes -

    Original thought is looked for in answering many of these questions for which there is no "one right answer". We hope these questions will assist parents in discussing the book with their children. Those who haven't read the book themselves could still discuss these questions and ideas in a general way with their children, have their children discuss it with others who have read the book, or seek summaries of the book online to better understand it. Day One 1. How long had it been since Santiago had caught a fish? How did the other fishermen react to Santiago? What was on the walls of Santiago's shack? What used to hang there? How did Santiago get his dinner that night, and what was it? What does Santiago say is "his alarm clock"? In his dreams, how did the lions play? Day Two 1. How did Santiago and Manolin meet in the morning?
  • Old Man And The Sea, The - Teaching Unit | Prestwick House | Prestwick House

    What did they eat for breakfast? Did Santiago realize that he was going "far out"? Did Santiago speak of the sea as feminine or masculine? When did Santiago think he would catch 'the big one'? What did Santiago use for bait? How did Santiago keep his bait lines? When the man-of-war bird dove into the sea, what happened? Did Santiago like the Portuguese man of war? What did Santiago like to watch eat the Portuguese man of war? Use one word to describe how Santiago 'works' his big fish. The lights of what city are visible on the horizon? Day Three 1. Who did Santiago wish was with him? In what direction was the fish pulling? What did Santiago hope the fish would do? What added drag to the line, and pleased Santiago? What did Santiago eat for breakfast? What was the biggest fish that Santiago had ever caught? Was he alone those times? What did Santiago promise to do if God allowed him to catch the fish? What did Santiago do to convince God to allow him to catch the fish?
  • The Old Man & The Sea Quiz: 25 Questions By Anaatasiia Shevchuk

    What had happened in Casablanca? What did he dream about that night? Day Four 1. What woke him up? How many times had the fish jumped? What was on Santiago's head? What was the fish doing all this day? What did Santiago kill the fish with? What time was it? What did he do with the fish? What did Santiago drink throughout this ordeal? What attacked his fish enroute? What did Santiago taste on his return trip? Day Five 1. Who met him in the morning? What did he do when he saw the old man? How big was the fish? Did the fish beat Santiago? What is Manolin determined to do now? Who did Santiago give the fish head to? Questions courtesy of Kathie McGann "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Suffering

    We're just happy that's not our defining characteristic. But for Santiago, suffering is a necessary step in his battle with the fish. It adds intensity to the struggle and commands a respect from the reader. The mental anguish of losing the fish to the sharks is surprisingly underplayed; this is a type of pain, it seems, that can be controlled by sheer willpower. Or maybe the old man knew it was too good to be true all along. Questions About Suffering Is the old man the only one who feels pain? Does that count? Imagine it. Are the old man and the fish similar in the way they handle and experience pain? What does this say about the man and the fish? Psychological pain is the worst kind of pain in The Old Man and the Sea.
  • Old Man And The Sea, The - Teaching Unit

    Salarino: Your mind is tossing on the ocean; There, where your argosies with portly sail, Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood, Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea, Do overpeer the petty traffickers, That curtsy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings. Answer : Salarino and Antonio were talking to each other and Antonio was in a very depressed state. Antonio said that it was true that he was miserable and his friends knew that but he did not know the reason behind it. This made Salarino say that may be he was worried about his ships out at sea. How does he describe his sadness? Answer : We can say that Antonio was in a depressed state because he himself confessed it. However in reality, he himself was not aware of the reason for such a state of his mind. He was yet to learn what had made him so miserly. Answer : Salarino thought that perhaps Antonio was worried about his ships that were in the sea.
  • The Last Bargain Class 8 MCQ Questions With Answers English Poem 4 - NCERT Solutions

    May be business worries were making him weary. However, Antonio denied it. He says that all his money was not dependent on ships and he might get through the year easily enough. Business was not making him sad. Answer : Salarino described the ships as being like huge parade of floats on the sea. They were so big that they looked down on the smaller ships, which had to bow and then get out of their way. How does he try to lift his spirits up? Answer : Salarino found Antonio in a despondent state. He asked him about the reason behind his sadness. Antonio replied that he was yet to learn about the reason which had made him so weary. Salarino then tried to figure it out. He thought that may be Antonio was worried about his ships that were bound for different ports. He says that Antonio had big and powerful ships and he must not worry about them. Question 2 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
  • Old Man And The Sea Test With Answer Key

    Gratiano: Let me play the fool: With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come, And let my liver rather heat with wine Than my heart cool with mortifying groans. Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster? Sleep when he wakes? Answer : Antonio was sad and his friends were trying to get rid of his sadness. Gratiano here was also trying to say the same thing. Antonio says that the world was like a stage and people were like actors. Gratiano replied that then his role would be that of a clown who would try to cheer him up. Answer : From the above extract, we conclude that Gratiano was a caring friend. He wanted to make his friend happy even if he had to act as a clown for it. We can also infer that he was a fun loving character who did not believe in sitting idle and wasting life over trivial matters.
  • Essay Questions

    He wanted to enjoy his life to the fullest. Answer : Gratiano says that he cannot understand why men should be sad. He further says that he is so frankly saying these things to Antonio as he cares about him a lot and wants to make him happy. Hearing his advice, Antonio says that he must try to cheer up and become a bit more talkative. Answer : In Elizabethan times, it was believed that jaundice was caused by being irritable and bad tempered i. Gratiano was trying to say that if Antonio was not becoming happy, he would surely contract jaundice. He meant to say that there was a direct connection between mind and body. He would rather overload his liver with wine and act foolish than starve his heart by denying himself some fun. There was no use in getting jaundice by being irritable all the time.
  • Old Man And The Sea Final

    How does Manolin feel about fishing with Santiago again? Manolin wants to fish with Santiago again What sports figure does Santiago admire most? Joe DiMaggio What do the pictures Santiago keeps on his walls depict? Religious figures How does Santiago get dinner on the first evening of the novel? Going far to sea alone What does Santiago do during the first night of the novel? Dreams about lions on the beach in Africa Why does Santiago think most people are heartless about turtles? Turtles' hearts beat for hours after they are butchered What is the first creature that Santiago catches at sea? A tuna How does Santiago feel about not having Manolin on board? He wishes Manolin were there to help and see what is happening What was the saddest thing Santiago ever saw the old man and the sea test questions and answers marlin do?
  • Ocean And Continental Crust

    Follow the fishing boat that captured its mate After the giant marlin begins pulling Santiago's boat, what does he do with his remaining coils of reserve line? He connects them together for more length What part of Santiago's body is injured when, distracted by a warbler, the marlin's sudden lurch throws him forward? His hand What does Santiago do with the first creature he has caught at sea on his current trip? Eats it for the sake of his strength What does Santiago promise to do if he catches the marlin? Make a pilgrimage to the Virgin of Cobre What handicap does Santiago's favorite sports star have? A bone spur What had Santiago been called in his youth? Porpoises, sleeping in his village, and the lions on the beach What wakes Santiago up at the start of the third day that he is at sea?
  • The Old Man And The Sea Questions Part 3 Flashcards Preview

    The marlin jerking on the line How does the marlin finally die? Santiago stabs it with a harpoon What does Santiago first eat after the marlin dies? Shrimp What is the first sea creature to try to eat the marlin? A shovel-nosed shark How much of the marlin is left when Santiago returns to his village? Just the head and skeleton What does Santiago do with the mast of his boat when he returns to his village? He carries it back to his shack on his shoulder Why does Manolin cry when he sees Santiago?
  • Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

    The Busby Babes. As ofManchester United hold the record for most league titles in England. How many times have they been champions? What is Manchester United's record win all competitions? Which player holds the record for most Man Utd appearances? At 46 years, days, which player was the oldest to ever appear for Manchester United? Manchester United's record Champions League win came in against Roma. What was the score? Which player holds the record for most Man Utd goals? With the old man and the sea test questions and answers reign of 26 years, days, who is the longest-serving Manchester United manager?
  • The Old Man And The Sea Quiz 1

    Manchester United inflicted their biggest Premier League win - - on which opponent in ? Answers: Twenty 20 times. Most recent title was Ryan Giggs with appearances between and Billy Meredith against Derby County on May 7, Carrick x2, W. Rooney, A. Smith, C. Ronaldo, R. Giggs and P. Wayne Rooney with goals - Bobby Charlton is second with goals. Sir Alex Ferguson. Cristiano Ronaldo sold to Real Madrid. Ipswich Town. Who were Manchester United's opponents in the first game at Old Trafford? What is the capacity of Old Trafford as of ? What is the nickname of Old Trafford? Two stands at Old Trafford are named after which people? The West Stand of Old Trafford is more famously known as what? Old Trafford is situated on what road? Man Utd played at which two grounds before moving to Old Trafford? The Champions League final was held at Old Trafford. Which two teams played in it? Answers: Liverpool February 19, Game finished Man Utd Liverpool 74, The Stretford End.
  • Classic Literature Study Guides

    Sir Matt Busby Way. North Road and Bank Street. Juventus and AC Milan. Man Utd quiz suestions True or false? Eric Cantona 'kung fu' kicked a fan during a game for Manchester United. Uruguayan striker Diego Forlan did not score a single tje in two years at Manchester Thr. Alex Ferguson did not win the league with Manchester United until his seventh season in charge.
  • Old Man And The Sea Final - ProProfs Quiz

    If you have not already done so, please register for a Quia account by clicking here. Quia is how students will complete and received feedback for exams. June 9th Please be advised that I've changed the calendar below, i. I moved assignment to be due at the end of reading the novells Wednesday, June 17th. I've moved writing assignments 3 and 4 to be completed the week before Friday, June 12th. Everything else is the same.
  • BA English Important Topics Of The Old Man And The Sea - Zahid Notes

    Monday, May 25th 1. Work period for chapters 10, 11 and Tuesday, May 26th 1. Wednesday, May 27th 1. Meet 15 am sharp. Correcting 10, 11 and Thursday, May 28th 1. Meet at to finish marking chapter based vocabulary, summaries, and questions. Friday, May 29th 1. Outsiders Exam. Check the test link. Click the test link. Monday, June 1st 1. Show students where everything is and how to navigate the site. Present "Hemingway and the Man" PowerPoint a biography of the novel's author. Assign reading: read pages 1 to Tuesday, June 2nd 1. Read pages 1 to Work on writing assignment 1. Due: Monday, June 8th. Wednesday, June 3rd 1. Read pages 11 to Thursday, June 4th 1. Work on wriitng assignment 2. Friday, June 5th 1. Meet at to touch base about the story and see how everyone is progressing.
  • The Old Man And The Sea Quiz Flashcards -

    We discussed writing assignment 1 today. We started discussing assignment 2 the one covering theme but ended up stopping, i. I changed my mind when I want to discuss it. I think we should return to assignment 2 at the end of the novella's reading. We'll discuss assignment 2 on Wednesday, June 17th. Monday, June 8th 1. Read pages 21 to Work on assignments 3 and 4. These assignments are both due to be discussed on Friday, June 12th. Read pages 33 to Thursday, June 11th 1. These are due for tomorrow. Friday, June 12th 1. We are going to focus on discussing writing assignments 3 and 4. Remember to complete assignment 2 for next Wednesday. Monday, June 15th 1. Read pages 43 to 48 finish the book. Spend any time remaining finishing writing assignments 3 and 4. If you have finished everything consider completing one of the following quizes to practice for the upcoming novel end test.

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Search Results: [GET] Test Form 3b Answers Chapter 2 | HOT Disaccharide molecules have two monosaccharide units, trisaccharide molecules hav...